Data Capture and Data Indexing

So what is Data Capture ? The move from storage of printed materials to vast repositories of digital data means that the legacy information needs to be converted. Data capture tools scan paper documents, convert that information to digital data and work in conjunction with document management tools to organize and store it in any format, device required by the client. RSB has expertise in this. RSB has more than 8 years experience in data capture and digitalization.


“If, unlike your competitors, you’re able to repeatedly help your customers find the information they need, you demonstrate your brand’s understanding of its customers and their needs. Your customers will love you for this and increase their loyalty toward your brand. And loyalty is what branding’s all about.” – Martin Lindstrom on web site indexing in (2002).

“By far, the index is considered to be the most important software documentation support feature.” – conclusion of a survey by the Dataquest Desktop Software Support group (1993).
Data alone does not make an information age. Information must be carefully structured in terms of knowledge content and reader access. RSB has expertise in all type of technical indexing services. RSB can provide indexing in any format required with accuracy percentage more then 99.98%. RSB is following Six Sigma quality standards and we are an ISO certified firm.

We provide more data management services.